Horus Blog

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Country Home Decorating How To Include A Country Touch To Your Home Today

How do you add that country touch to a decorating style? Since the country look has evolved over the years and taken on a wider variety of characteristics, it can add a special touch to decorating from rural to contemporary. Here are a few ideas to give your home a touch of country and retain that feel of tradition.

Add a little extra luxury in your country home decorating such as pampering guests with a serene bedroom furnished with a high-quality mattress and specially-selected cotton sheets that feel good against the skin.

A layered look in fabrics gives a tranquil feel to a room. Country home decorating makes use of patterned fabrics, florals, and stripes as well as eyelet. They complement one another and provide a special touch in any room.

Another idea is to add blue and white checks on cushions and pillows to give that country appearance. Blue denim is also an icon of the country home decorating style. It is a traditional, timeless American classic that gives a relaxed, comfortable feel to a room.

Quilts, quilts, and quilts what a wonderful way to add that country touch to your dcor. There are countless patterns from which to choose that will harmonize with your country decorating idea.

Old and new photographs are an outstanding addition to your country home dcor. The space above a staircase is a place to display your photos for your own enjoyment as well as for your family and guests. Make sure the staircase is out of the direct sunlight.

Take time from decorating to relax in a hammock for an hour or twowhat a true country experience!

As you can see, these are just a small number of the unlimited ways to add a touch of country to your country home decorating ideas.

For ideas on keeping your home organized, download a free copy of the ebook "The Essential Guide to Organizing Your Home". This ebook has many practical, easy-to-use tips to make home organization a reality. Go to http://www.lynnshomedecor.com/f/Opt-in_Pages.html for your free download.

At Lynn Cressy's Home Decor you will find country home decor, shabby chic home decor and furniture and wrought iron home decor and furniture as well as interior decorating ideas. Lari Blog99727
Blaise Blog60846

Are You Considering Buying A Repossessed Home? You Might Want To Know How That Home Comes On The Market In The First Place

Statistically, the figures for home repossession have risen by 45%, according to Government figures. There can be many reasons that lead to house repossession, such as: divorce, credit card debt, illness, secured or unsecured debts or separation.

The process of repossession can legally begin when 2 payments to a lender have been missed. The first missed payment brings the borrower into arrears with the lender, who then have to be contacted and a payment schedule agreed. If the borrower does not contact them, or cannot afford to make the payments and a second payment is missed, then the lender can begin the process of home repossession.

The first stage of this is for the lender to state in a letter that the borrower has seven days in which to meet the payments or to agree a payment scheme. If this is not possible, then solicitors will begin court proceedings, seeking a home repossession order.

Usually the court will try and see house repossession as the last eventuality. However, if the borrower is deemed to be unable to make the necessary repayments, including arrears and penalties, then he will be served with an eviction notice and a date will be scheduled to leave the house.

The repossessed home is now the legal property of the mortgage lender. The lender can then instruct an estate agent to put the house on the property market or for it to be sold at auction.

First-time house-buyers can research these properties and they can become an affordable alternative in an increasingly expensive market.

Offers can be made on a repossessed house, but the lender may decide they want to publish a notice of offer in the local press. This states that the lender will accept higher offers that are received by a certain date.

Auctions used to be mainly used by investors looking to by the property and sell it on at a profit, but now those wanting to get onto the property ladder but may not have the necessary funds for a standard purchase can do so, as the properties are usually sold for less than their market value.

Other benefits include the bidding process, which is in an open forum so all bidders know the price and do not have to bid over the odds to secure the sale. Also, the process is much quicker than the conventional sale process, usually taking 1 month from sale to occupation.

There are other factors involved, however. A repossessed home may be in need of repair and renovation or carry a negative credit rating associated with the address although this can be absolved by contacting the relevant credit reference agencies.

There are lists of auctioneers available in local directories, but it is also worth contacting estate agents and mortgage lenders who have a vested interest in the sale of any repossessed property, although mortgage lenders can be secretive about their involvement in house repossession, in terms of image-consciousness.

The Internet offers many services that can supply lists of repossessed properties, but these are likely to generate a lot of interest, due to the potential to buy a house at less than market value.

Tom Mead is a qualified mortgage advisor writing http://www.crystalclearhomeloans.co.uk editorial, on how best to http://www.crystalclearhomeloans.co.uk/Repossession/stop.html and save the house you live in.Christine Blog13063
Isis Blog11213

Do A Triple Take With The Nokia 3250 Phone

Do a triple take with the Nokia 3250 phone.

With the release of the Nokia 3250, Nokia has once again validated its reputation as a mobile phone innovator.

One twist of the wrist and it becomes a music player with memory expandable up to 1 GB for up to 750 songs. Rip tracks from your CDs using Nokia Audio Manager and then transfer them from your PC to your phone. Use the stereo headphones provided or plug your own headphones into the 3.5 mm jack in the headset.

Twist again and it's a 2-megapixel camera. Snap in landscape or portrait mode and get up close with the 4x zoom. Store your photos and videos on your phone and then upload them to your mobile blog with Lifeblog.

Twist back and it's a smartphone. Take calls on five continents, browse over EDGE, and get creative with all the imaging and music software packed inside.

This stunning and highly innovative music/camera/phone comes in a range of four colors: black, green, pink and silver, and the handset features a three position action for switching between the phone, music and camera functions.

According to Nokia, the 3250 markets under the "Nokia XpressMusic" brand because of the music features like dedicated music buttons, paused music during phone calls, 3.5mm and audio connectors.

As an entertainment phone, video clips can be downloaded with animations that can be viewed on the handset. This service appears to be in its early stages and should be checked with Nokia for updated information.

Nokia Audio manager software lets users click drag-and-drop music into the phone and the music player supports standard audio file formats such as MP3, WMA, M4A and AAC

It comes with an FM radio with Visual Radio where users can download interactive content and services when listening to a song. This service is expected to be launched in the next few months.

The 3250 more than a music-phone, it comes with features such as a 2- megapixel camera with 4x zoom, USB 2.0 support and Bluetooth connectivity, and smart phone functionalities, through its integrated Series 60 platform and Symbian OS.

The 3250 is 103.8 x 50 x 19.8 mm, same as the 3230. It comes with an expansion slot for a 1GB microSD rated to store up to 750 songs.

Whichever way you twist it, there's a lot happening inside the Nokia 3250 phone.

Ronald Doherty is a writer with a background in corporate change management and special projects. For more information on the Nokia 3250 please visit http://www.nokiamobileonline.com Lewis Blog38152
Clemence Blog83986

A Writers Need For Community

Id like to present three easy steps to getting published. Well, Id like to, but theres usually more than three and they are never easy.

Many aspiring writers I encounter believe if they can just get their article to an editor the editor will see the value in the work and want to sign them to a contract of some sort. Now, this is rarely verbalized by the author, but the dream-dashing is very evident when they receive their first rejection slip.

Theres almost an innate romantic notion that a writers life will likely include a secluded cottage with a direct hotline for their editor to visit with. The view out the window generally includes a lake or the ocean with a sailboat prominently framed in the window. A cup of tea or coffee sits beside the laptop, notepad or typewriter. The hair of the author is perfect and there exudes a great sense of peace as the author completes their work on their latest masterpiece.

Writing in the real world often takes place as your children find something new to argue about, or when you should really be doing something else, or as the phone rings, or even as everyone else finally drifts off to sleep.

The creativity required for writing can take a great deal of emotional energy. Its hard to accept when that hard work seems to be rejected, often in an impersonal way.

The journey of an author is often a very personal and sometimes solitary existence. A local, regional or online community like FaithWriters©.com can greatly assist a writer in the area of encouragement and practical advice from others who have been where you are.

You should avail yourself of market resources that allow you to research various publications that may your style. Work though a story that is tailor-made for the publication you have chosen, revise your first draft, pour over the content and continue making revisions and, if you can, find someone who will also proof the material and provide honest feedback on content and style.

Once these things are accomplished dont give in to fear. I know fear is something every writer wrestles with, but the truth is an editor will never have the chance to say yes if they never see your manuscript. Sure, they might say no, but its no fun living your life in the midst of What Ifs.

A writing community can be the means of providing the encouragement you need to move from closet writer to submitting writer. In the end, that encouragement may well mean you will be able to make the claim of published author.

Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of FaithWriters (http://www.faithwriters.com) and many other web projects. Members include writers from all around the world. Please visit the website at: http://www.faithwriters.comFulbert Blog59205
Hermann Blog2309

Erectile Dysfunction or Impotence - What Is It About?

Impotence can also be called Erectile Dysfunction. It refers to the inability of a man to maintain an erection during sex. It can include a reduced sense of sexual excitement, which in turn leads to a loss of an erection.

Getting An Erection and Love-Making

A man must be sufficiently aroused by one or more means to enjoy a firm erection. The arousal can be psychological or physical or even both together.

Generally the method of stimulation required to achieve arousal can be what a man views or feels. Also the utilisation of sensual or erotic language can have the desired effect too. On the other hand it can be his imagination producing thoughts and images that are of a sexual nature. Many men enjoy a combination of the both fantasy and reality.

Erections That Are Involuntary

It is well known that men get a type of erection that can be referred to as an involuntary erection. In other words an erection that he has not deliberately set out to have. A man may often notice he has an erection in bed in the morning and just before emptying his bladder. During the night the bladder has been filling with urine and this has in turn pressed on the prostate gland. Stimulating the prostate gland brings sexual arousal and this results in an erection.

There will be other times when a man gets an erection that is involuntary. For instance, a man can be sexually aroused when in the company of a person who he finds attractive sometimes. He will not necessarily want to have an erection but because he is sexually stimulated there is a good possibility that he will experience an erection anyway.

How Does the Body Achieve An Erection?

Inside the un-erect penis there are three empty chambers. These chambers fill with blood and the penis becomes stiff and erect. The penis grows longer and gets wider too.

When sexual stimulation (physical or imagined) or involuntary stimulation is present, the brain sends a message to increase the blood pressure in the body and to send blood to enlarge the penis. The three chambers in the penis fill with blood and the penis becomes hard and erect.

For the duration of sexual arousal, the penis will stay enlarged and blood is stopped from escaping from the penis by muscles at the base.

Interestingly the nervous systems of the body play an important part in all of this. The parasympathetic and the sympathetic nervous system are the two in question. Usually only one of these systems dominates at any one time. However to achieve an erection the two systems work together.

This information can provide a better idea of how impotence or erectile dysfunction arises. If a man experiences anxiety during sex it can alter the balance between the parasympathetic and the sympathetic nervous system and lead to the loss of an erection.

In summary, impotence or erectile dysfunction is the lack of a lasting erection through to ejaculation. An erection is most often lost just before or during penetration and sometimes in the act of putting a condom on.

Steven Harold is the owner of http://www.HypnoSources.com, for the most powerful hypnosis and subliminal cds around.Jean Pierre Blog1880
Lorette Blog78669

The Barbie Doll vs. The Bratz Dolls

There is no question, argument, or debate over the fact that the Mattel Barbie doll is the most popular doll of all-time. Barbie has been a favorite of little girls for nearly 50 years now and a constant top selling toy in retail stores everywhere. With that said, there seems to be another doll favorite in stores these days called the Bratz dolls.

The Bratz dolls have recently given Barbie some tough competition in the doll industry. Introduced in 2001, some of the many Bratz line of dolls include Bratz Babyz, Bratz Step Out, Bratz Rock Angelz, and many others as well. You can go inside any toy section of your favorite retailer and find a wide selection of these popular new dolls. Also included is a whole line of Lil Bratz which are designed for girls under 6 years of age.

Another factor in this doll rivalry is the fact that the Bratz dolls have fashions and accessories that include every ethnic group, whereas up until the last couple of years, Barbie had not. Could it have been the competition from Bratz that forced Barbie into this change? With Bratz closing the gap in sales, Barbie needed to come up with some fresh ideas. It should also be noted that Bratz dolls are also available in male models as well.

Over the past few holiday seasons we have seen the Princess Barbie and the Pauper Anneliesse become very popular and very good sellers. We are also seeing Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus. Included in the selection is Pegasus Annika, Cloud Queen Rayla, Prince Aidan, and Flying Horse Brietta.

The newest line of Barbie's is the Barbie Mini Kingdom. This line of Barbie,s is a miniature collection of dolls and accessories that are 6" in height.

Bratz has followed suit with a line called Bratz Forever Diamondz. At a price of $29.95 it is the most expensive Bratz dolls yet. The success this new collection is enjoying is very impressive. A new video game called Bratz Forever Diamondz is now on the market for Sony Playstation as well as Ninentendo. The company hopes this new video game will follow the success of the Rock Angelz game. Even more than this, there is talk of a full length animated motion picture in the works for release in 2007.

At no other time in Barbie's history has the competition been this fierce. Will Barbie survive? Only time will tell, but I wouldn't bet against her just yet. It would be hard to imagine life without Barbie. With nearly 50 years under her belt she has seen just about everything.

Does anybody see the similarities between this years Barbie range and last years Barbie range? Is it just a coincidence that Princess Anneliesse from last year is now Princess Annika, Pauper Erika is now Cloud Queen Rayla and King Dominic/Julian is now Prince Aidan. They also look pretty similar too! This is not to say that the new range is not fantastic because it is but maybe this explains the sudden interest in something new for children such as the new Bratz dolls which are exciting and different and not scared of causing controversy.

Maybe our children need toys that reflect the times and do not send us back to our past. Barbie maybe correct in trying to try a few different styles in order to compete with Bratz but diversification may be in order.

Terry EdwardsAmandine Blog93366
Macintosh Blog63806

Panama Passport, Visa, Residency and Citizenship Programs

Panama offers a multitude of programs enabling one to fairly easily obtain a Passport, Visa, Residency and Citizenship. Panama is an excellent place for a second passport (2nd passport). The plans are outlined below. Do feel free to ask questions. We do not advise attempting to deal with the immigration authorities without adequate legal representation by a competent attorney.

Warning: All of our passport programs require you to be physically present at the immigration department for fingerprinting and photographing. These are NOT the Pay someone off in the dark programs you see on the internet which do not require you to go to the country physically and come with a passport, identity card and drivers license. There are numerous stories on the internet if you look for them of people getting arrested all over the world when they attempt to travel on these passports. What is often done is passport blanks that come back from the manufacturer slightly defective (bad printing, stitching etc.) are marked as not usable by the government and are then sold by unscrupulous immigration officials through third parties. The problem is when the country that issued those does an audit of their immigration department they pick these things up and then the passports are flagged as fraudulent or stolen and this is sitting in some unfortunate persons wallet waiting to be used and can cause a police detention with likely arrest to follow. There was just a raid recently in Guyana and the corrupt immigration officials there were issuing hundreds of passports daily. Now along comes some guy who bought one of these officially issued passports and he goes through immigration in say the EU. Well he doesn't appear to be a Guyana type so they query around a bit and he gets arrested. Months after the scandal we still see Guyana Passports being sold on the internet which makes one wonder.

We even see Diplomatic passports being sold on the internet for $50,000 and up. This is ridiculous. What the buyers are not aware of is in almost all countries travel using a Diplomatic passport requires a visa so the country you intend to visit will require you to physically submit the diplomatic passport to their embassy for a visa which will involve scrutiny. So when they contact the diplomatic passport issuing government to verify the purpose of your visit, duration, whether or not you will be attached to the embassy, etc. what do you think is going to happen? Do you think the issuing government is going to provide official documentation for all of your journeys? Do you think they will even know who you are? They will most likely remain non responsive and your passport will probably never be returned as a best case scenario but this would most likely be followed by a knock at the door shake you up or arrest you visit by some authorities depending on where you live, admittedly some countries will not care what you did but others that are terrorist sensitive will get really interested in you and your whole life and you should expect to be added into the watch/stop list making airport travel a nightmare for the next ten or twenty years. The government that issued this diplomatic passport may also contact you after they get contacted for a $10,000 bribe or they will make trouble for you and on it goes. Remember why do you see Nigerian Scam Emails because they work. There are a lot of stupid people out there so dont be one of them.

How can you tell if a second passport or residency/citizenship program is real?

Be careful when buying a second passport (2nd passport). First thing to look for is the statues in the law that contain the laws spelling out the program you are considering. If there are no statues run the other way. If you are told about a special program not for everyone, run.

Next make sure when buying a second passport (2nd passport) you will be going physically to the immigration department in the country for processing, photographs and fingerprints. This will greatly cut down the odds of a scam. Normally the country will want to know who you are, and like to see and copy a valid passport as a minimum. If the deal is you give them pictures and they send you the documents run away, this is probably a scam involving a counterfeit passport blank or a stolen one. I have even heard of them applying for passports in the name of a dead person using your picture. What if he was a dead criminal with warrants outstanding?

When buying a second passport (2nd passport) never agree to get a name change and a second passport all in one shot unless it involves court appearances for the name change. If not this probably involves a corrupt government official and will surely be trouble. If you do a name change in court in some jurisdiction make sure it is not public record or it is greatly diminished in value. Never carry two different passports with your picture in both that have different names unless you enjoy being detained at airports, border crossings etc. A lot of scams involve a story that goes like this; Ok Mr. Gringo you want the passport to be able to travel and open bank accounts and not as a citizen of the USA, EU, Canada etc. Ok well it is best to do so using a name that sounds like someone's name in our country, here let me suggest this name: Enrique Haeverra. Hey that sounds great you say. Now what you don't know is they got Enrique's name off of a tombstone and they are going to identity theft the dead guy for you. This will probably blow up when a cross reference is made or something causes a record check like you trying to enter the country some day and then you are in for it. Remember you don't talk, look, act or have a story like someone from their country should. Some jerk criminal buys such a passport and then gets caught doing something no regular person would do like money laundering 25 million dollars and then they pull his papers, scrutinize them, see the fraud and the pull all the fraud papers of the corrupt official who signed the bad guys papers and then start canceling all the passports this corrupt official processed illegally for fraud, theft, corruption or just to shake you down for money for playing games with their country and of course you better believe they are going to think you are a millionaire.

Another scam is selling second passports (2nd passport) from non-existent or non-recognized countries. This is done a lot usually for $1000-$2000. There are very few countries who will ever accept these passports and then usually only at border crossings. Usage is hit or miss, mostly misses. People buy these to open bank accounts with offshore. This sometimes works but usually in small countries with small banks. The problem comes when the bank examiner looks over their files and sees one of the fantasia passports as an identity document. He hits the roof and says I want to see real passports for all these people in here in 30 days or lock down these accounts. Now what do you do?

Below you can read about all the Panama Passport, Residency and Citizenship programs that are all in the Panama Laws.

Immediate Panama Passport

This program allows foreigners to obtain immediate Panamanian Passport (there is no citizenship that goes with this) under the condition that they make a 5 year certificate of deposit (CD), at the Banco Nacional de Panama (Panama's Government Bank), which earns a minimum of US $750 per month in interest income which currently requires about $175,000 to be deposited. This is a relatively simple, direct program. A visit to Panama is required. One must already have a valid passport that enables them to come into Panama. Getting your Passport in 30 days from time of completion of all required documentation is possible but time frames vary according to workload, holidays etc. The visa and passport is renewable every five years, which requires the CD to be renewed.

Ronald Edwards is a researcher, with years of experience in finances and real estate.Geraud Blog17009
Claude Blog83634

Using a Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loan as Debt Relief

If you find yourself reeling under the pressure of mounting credit card bills, and feel you need some financial assistance to avoid filing for bankruptcy, you can probably consider a Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loan. With the assistance of credit card debt consolidation, you can combine the outstanding balances on your credit cards into a single loan or a single credit card.

Mismanagement of funds and a haphazard use of credit cards can lead to very dire financial consequences. Once opting for a debt consolidation loan, refunding the loan along with the interest should be the primary objective of the beneficiary. It is always advisable to avoid taking a credit card debt consolidation loan, if the bills due are such that can be paid off without aid. This should not be considered as a means to avoid paying dues or minimizing the amounts due.

When opting for a debt consolidation loan, it is necessary to avail all information on the various loans and the debt consolidation quotes to decide on the type best suited to your needs. Information on debt consolidation loans can be obtained by visiting credit card debt consolidation services and also online.

Your eligibility to file for a credit card debt consolidation loans depends on your credit history, also termed as a credit report. It is based on this report that your credit amount, limits and repayment terms are determined. A bad credit score can reduce the amount that may be sanctioned to you.

A credit card consolidation loan should be considered as the final step for resolving major debt-related worries, but there are certain criteria that remain attached to it even then.

I) The person must consolidate only to ease up the burden of paying hefty amounts every month.

II) The interest rate of the credit card consolidation loan must be lesser than what the person was paying previously.

III) The total payable amount must be equal to or lesser than what he was paying previously in fragmented forms.

IV) He must be willing to change his spending habits to not get caught in a debt trap. He should not consider it an easy way out of debt.

Banks, credit unions, finance companies and other lenders grant credit card consolidation loans.

A credit card consolidation loan needs certain steps to be followed for deriving the maximum benefits. You should apply for a credit card consolidation loan through a credit card debt consolidation loan agent. Full payment of any former bill is a must; a bad payment history may hamper or cancel the processing of application.

Gibran Selman takes care of http://debtconsolidationcenter.net a website dedicated to gather information, on and off the internet, about debt consolidation and other related subjects. Emeraude Blog15886
Carole Blog80867

Online Matchmaking Services: Can They Help Find the Love of Your Life?

Matchmaking can be defined as the process of bringing two people together for the purpose of marriage. The process involves an intermediary or facilitator who acts as the matchmaker.

With more and more people content at letting the Internet play cupid, online matchmaking services keep popping up left, right and center. But can they really help you find the person of your dreams?

And what's the difference between matchmaking and dating? Well, dating does not require marriage as the only end goal. Marriage is the end goal and purpose of matchmaking.

Often a person may be eager to start a family, without having to go through the hassles of dating and courtship, and the commensurate expenditure of precious time. For such a person, a matchmaking service may just be the answer.

Among many other types of matchmaking services available include:

1. Independent matchmakers or "experts"

2. Social networking services

3. Radio station datelines

4. TV matchmaking and dating services

5. Print personal ads and singles publications

6. Speed dating and singles events

7. Online matchmaking services

Of all the above and other methods out there, online matchmaking services may be the best way to go. Why?

Because of internet access, immediacy and anonymity, twenty four hours a day, as well as tools for interactive communication such as Instant Messaging and video chat, not to mention the huge number of available singles.

Plus, online matchmaking services offer the best value in cost. Usually the fee is charged monthly and cancellation is easy. Compare that with per-word newspaper/magazine ads.

How do matchmaking sites work? A true matchmaking site will require you to input lots of details about yourself as well as the type of person you are looking for. This in order to find your most suitable prospect(s), beyond mere physical attributes.

How do you find the right matchmaking service? Being a billion dollar industry that it is today, you can bet on scam and fly-by-night companies to be galore. Well, the answer is TTT (Tried, Tested and True). Always go with a reputable site that also offers a free trial.

Don't be tempted to go with a completely "free" site. Free usually means pay in other ways (like the site selling your information or bombarding you with advertisements).

Can you really meet quality, committed singles online? Many happy couples who have met online say their paths simply would not have crossed had they not met online. And, most are interesting, honest people who are successful in their careers. That they are paying the subscription fee demonstrates their commitment.

Though no guarantees are offered, online matchmaking services can be the fastest, most convenient way to get you connected with your soul mate.

David Kamau is webmaster of http://e-datecentral.com, which reviews dating and matchmaking services. Find reputable online matchmaking sites at http://e-datecentral.com/personals/matchmaking.htmMai Blog67111
Claude Blog91685

An Espresso A Day...?

An Espresso A Day ?

While many of us enjoyindeed, rely onour morning coffee, we havent been able to shake the popular theory that the caffeine content makes coffee bad for the body. Espresso, a concentrated beverage, has been especially maligned. But there are numerous health benefits to drinking coffee, some of which may surprise you, and might help you enjoy that freshly brewed cup just a little bit more.

Even the harshest skeptic is aware of the short-term benefits of coffee: the pick-me-up it provides when were feeling drowsy, the enhanced sense of mental alertness, and the increased motor activity. The long-term advantages, however, are more far-reaching.

Studies have shown that brewed coffee contains numerous antioxidants, a critical element in disease prevention and control. Specifically, tests have linked moderate coffee consumption with reducing the risk of a diverse range of illnesses, including:
* Alzheimers disease
* Asthma
* Cirrhosis of the liver
* Colon cancer
* Diabetes
* Gallstones
* Parkinsons disease
At the same time, recent research has disproved the prevailing wisdom that excessive coffee drinking can cause birth defects and cardiovascular disease.

This is welcome news to the millions of us who need our morning coffee, whether its our preferred freshly ground brew, that scalding paper cup of Joe from the local diner, or an espresso-based nonfat macchiato from Starbucks. However, the negative effects of excessive caffeine intake cannot be ignored. The key is to know what constitutes a moderate amount of consumption.

An average cup of coffee has between 100 and 150 milligrams of caffeine, with the average espresso containing 80-120 milligrams. Most experts agree that we can drink up to 300 milligrams of caffeine per day without experiencing any long-term negative effects. As such, two to three cups of coffee daily gives us the most benefit with the least risk. However, the 300 milligrams is a measure of total caffeine consumption. If you drink sodas, which can contain anywhere from 0-60 milligrams of caffeine, you must balance your caffeine intake accordingly.

Those of us who love our coffee can enjoy it with the knowledge that, far from being detrimental to our health, a few cups a day can provide a needed burst of energy and help reduce the risk of common diseases. To find out more about coffee and the best products for your household, visit www.espressozone.com, www.cooking.com, and www.kitchen-universe.com. These comprehensive sites will help you select the best types of coffee, coffee-makers, and accessories to indulge your coffee needsin moderation, naturally.

Charlie Voss provides helpful information in an entertaining fashion on choosing an espresso machine as well as offering the latest findings on the product and craft. For more information please visit: http://www.bestespressomakers.com/.Hermann Blog2309
Letti Blog98699

The Andy Griffith Show (Season 4) DVD Review

One of the most beloved shows in television history, The Andy Griffith Show takes its viewers back to a simpler time of small town America, apple pie, and black and white television The trademark whistling theme song is one of the most recognizable in history, and the duration of the show in syndicated reruns is unrivaled by its peers. The Andy Griffith Show follows the exploits of the small town of Mayberry and its family values, no nonsense sheriff Andy. Widowed, and father to a small boy named Opie (Ron Howard), Andy is joined in Mayberry by his sidekick Deputy Barney Fife, his relative and housekeeper Aunt Bee (Frances Bavier), and a host of other eccentric characters.

But the show stealer is Barney Fife (Don Knotts) who plays the role of a sometimes incompetent, kooky deputy always in over his head. The onscreen dynamic between Griffith and Knotts is truly magical. Both men would go on to heralded careers in show business with Knotts starring in numerous roles, such as Mr. Furley on Threes Company, and Griffith as the title star of Matlock. And Ron Howard (Opie) would go on to establish himself as one of Hollywoods most well-known directors

The Andy Griffith Show (Season 4) DVD features a number of hilarious episodes including the season premiere Opie the Birdman in which Opie becomes the adoptive father of several orphaned baby birds after he inadvertently kills their mother with his slingshot. Developing a personal attachment to the birds, Opie struggles with the notion that once theyre grown, hell have to set them free Other notable episodes include Barneys Sidecar in which Barney acquires a sidecar for his motorcycle a local auction, but his daily antics quickly have all of Mayberry up in arms, and Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. in which Gomer Pyle joins the Marine Corps in order to become a man, but hes failing miserably until Andy convinces the drill instructor to take Gomer under his wing

Below is a list of episodes included on The Andy Griffith Show (Season 4) DVD:

Episode 96 (Opie the Birdman) Air Date: 09-30-1963
Episode 97 (The Haunted House) Air Date: 10-07-1963
Episode 98 (Ernest T. Bass Joins the Army) Air Date: 10-14-1963
Episode 99 (The Sermon for Today) Air Date: 10-21-1963
Episode 100 (Briscoe Declares for Aunt Bee) Air Date: 10-28-1963
Episode 101 (Gomer the House Guest) Air Date: 11-04-1963
Episode 102 (A Black Day for Mayberry) Air Date: 11-11-1963
Episode 103 (Opies Ill-Gotten Gain) Air Date: 11-18-1963
Episode 104 (A Date for Gomer) Air Date: 11-25-1963
Episode 105 (Up in Barneys Room) Air Date: 12-02-1963
Episode 106 (Citizens Arrest) Air Date: 12-16-1963
Episode 107 (Opie and His Merry Men) Air Date: 12-30-1963
Episode 108 (Barney and the Cave Rescue) Air Date: 01-06-1964
Episode 109 (Andy and Opies Pal) Air Date: 01-13-1964
Episode 110 (Aunt Bee the Crusader) Air Date: 01-20-1964
Episode 111 (Barneys Sidecar) Air Date: 01-27-1964
Episode 112 (My Fair Ernest T. Bass) Air Date: 02-03-1964
Episode 113 (Prisoner of Love) Air Date: 02-10-1964
Episode 114 (Hot Rod Otis) Air Date: 02-17-1964
Episode 115 (The Song Festers) Air Date: 02-24-1964
Episode 116 (The Shoplifters) Air Date: 03-02-1964
Episode 117 (Andys Vacation) Air Date: 03-09-1964
Episode 118 (Andy Saves Gomer) Air Date: 03-16-1964
Episode 119 (Bargain Day) Air Date: 03-23-1964
Episode 120 (Divorce, Mountain Style) Air Date: 03-30-1964
Episode 121 (A Deal is a Deal) Air Date: 04-06-1964
Episode 122 (Fun Girls) Air Date: 04-13-1964
Episode 123 (The Return of Malcolm Merriweather) Air Date: 04-20-1964
Episode 124 (The Rumor) Air Date: 04-27-1964
Episode 125 (Barney and Thelma Lou, Phfftt) Air Date: 05-04-1964
Episode 126 (Back to Nature) Air Date: 05-11-1964
Episode 127 (Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.) Air Date: 05-18-1964

Britt Gillette is author of The DVD Report, a blog where you can find where you can find more reviews of movies and TV series. Source: http://thedvdreport.blogspot.com/2006/03/andy-griffith-show-season-4-dvd.html.Apolline Blog90111
Fulbert Blog19555

How To Set Up Your Wii

Now that you have fought off the nasty crowds at the electronics store, and secured your Nintendo Wii system, got it home without incident and into your house, this is what you should do. Follow these steps to set up your Wii:

1) Remove the Wii from the box
2) Remove the AV cable and the AC adapter
3) Remove the stand plate, vertical stand, sensor bar and sensor-bar stand
4) Remove the Nunchuk and Wii Remote
5) Choose your location near the TV for your Wii and set it up vertically or horizontally
6) Connect the AV cable and the AC adapter to the Wii
7) Plug the AC adapter into a power outlet. Connect the AV cable to the input on your TV. Connect the yellow cable to the video input and the red and white cables to the audio inputs
8) Get out the remote control and put in the batteries
9) Turn on your Wii
10) The onscreen instructions will appear and you will be required to choose your language, location, time of day, etc.

How to set up your Wii Control

The Wii Remotes do not automatically bond with you Wii console. You will have to tell it to do so. The remote controls and arrives with your console is prebonded, but any additional Wii Remotes you purchase will have to be synchronized with your Wii in order to work smoothly with your console. There are two ways to accomplish this: the Standard Mode and the One Time Mode.

Standard Mode

To use the Standard Mode for connecting additional Wii Remotes to your Wii system permanently follows these steps:

1) Press the power button on your Wii console to turn it on
2) Remove the cover for the batteries on the back of the Wii Remote
3) Press the Sync button inside the cover
4) Open the door located over the SD card slot and on the Wii console
5) Press the Sync button inside that compartment
6) When the LEDs on the remote stop blinking, your synchronization is complete

One Time Mode

The One Time Mode does just that and allows your Wii Remote to work with a Wii other than the current synchronized remote. This is handy when you are at a friend's house. Follow these steps:

1) Press the Home button on the Wii Remote that is already synchronized with the Wii Remote that you intend to use
2) Select the Wii Remote Settings option
3) Select the Reconnect Option
4) Simultaneously press 1 and 2 buttons on the remote that you want to sync to the Wii console
5) When the lights stop blinking and your remote vibrates your remote has temporarily synchronized with that particular Wii console
6) The attachment of the remote should be shown on the screen as well

James KronefieldBlaise Blog12267
Croix Blog81531

Lanzarote Tourist

Many people come to Lanzarote for the weather and to relax by a pool or on the beach. However Lanzarote has far more to offer tourists than its fabulous climate.

No visit to this stunning volcanic island is complete without a visit to Parque Nacional de Timanfaya home of Lanzarotes only live volcano Montaa Del Fuego. A trip to the National Park can be made by car or organized tour however it is not possible to drive the lunar route the path made by lava from the last eruption. If you do drive to the park there are tour buses to take you on this incredible route with commentary in English explaining the history of the area. Whilst in the park you will witness three experiments to demonstrate that the volcano is still live. (I will not spoil this experience by going into any detail.) You will also see restaurant El Diablo, set on top of the volcano and designed by Ceaser Manrique, the food served here is heated by Fire Mountain itself!!!

Ceaser Manrique was an architect who had a great influence on the island of Lanzarote from ensuring the lack of high rise buildings to the many cultural attractions on the island designed by him. Of particular interest are Mirador Del Rio (set in the side of a cliff forming a beautiful viewpoint of La Graciosa, the island off the north of Lanzarote), Jameos Del Agua and the Manrique Foundation.

Jameos Del Agua is a definite must see set in the north of the island. It is a natural lava tunnel that Ceaser Manrique has transformed into a spectacular setting. Here you will find a small underground lake, the only place in the world you can see the blind, white, albino crab! These tiny creatures usually live deep in the sea but were brought into this lake by volcanic eruption. The site also boasts a James Bond style swimming pool that was designed by Ceaser Manrique for the King of Spain and as such can only be swum in by him! This beautiful attraction also houses a Museum about volcanic activity worldwide and an auditorium with natural acoustics were concerts are held. At night Jameos Del Agua transforms into an ultra chic club.

It is also worth mentioning that literally across the road from Jameos Del Agua are the Green Caves Cueva de los Verdes. These caves hold the secret of Lanzarote and were where the Canarians hid when Lanzarote was invaded by pirates. Well worth a look for those steady on their feet.

The Manrique Foundation was actually Ceaser Manriques house which he created in five volcanic bubbles. This stunning architecture is very difficult to describe and has to be seen to be believed. The Foundation also has a lot of Manriques works of art on display. This said the Foundation will equally be enjoyed by those with little or no interest in art.

There are many other masterpieces of architecture and design, by Ceaser Manrique, on the island. Monument Al Campesino can be seen from the road near San Bartolom and is a sculpture dedicated to the farmers of Lanzarote. Jardin de Cactus is a spectactular cactus garden near Mala with many, many species of cactus set in beautifully landscaped gardens.

One of the most attractive of Ceaser Manriques creations is the stunning LagOmar in Nazaret. This was once Omar Shariffs residence which he reportedly lost in a game of cards! It is not possible to enter the house but the grounds are now home to one of Lanzarotes finest restaurants, a couple of bars, a stunning swimming pool and beautiful grottos. This is a lovely place to sit with a drink and absorb your surroundings.

Aswell as all the aforementioned attractions Lanzarote has many beautiful villages such as El Golfo with the green lagoon and black volcanic sand, Arrietta with a beautiful beach, and Femes high on a mountain with panoramic views. The island also boasts two picturesque marinas Rubicon near Playa Blanca and Puerto Calero near Puerto Del Carmen.

On top of all this there are a variety of tourist attractions:

Rancho Texas is an excellent zoo by day, home to tigers, sea lions, birds of prey, crocodiles, buffalos and much more. The bird of prey display is particularly impressive with wings practically skimming your head please dont stand up! At night the park hosts the islands country and western night with a fabulous barbeque, line dancing and lasso displays.

The yellow submarine Submarine Safaris goes from Puerto Calero and the forty minute dive is an experience for all the family over the age of two. You will dive to the sea bed and see a multitude of fish and marine life as a diver comes round the porthole feeding the fish.

Catlanza also goes from Puerto Calero and is a truly relaxing way to spend an afternoon. The catamaran sails up to the stunning Papagayo beaches where it anchors giving you the chance to swim, snorkel, have a ride on a jet ski or simply top up your tan.

It is also possible to get a day trip , or simply go on the ferry yourselves, to Fuertaventura so you can send a postcard home from a different island and confuse your friends and family!

So as you can see there is much more to Lanzarote than sun, sand and ............. sangria!!

Jon-Paul McTavy is the owner of Lanzarote Tourist. You can find more information at http://www.lanzarotetourist.com.Leda Blog42873
Dimitri Blog57981

Changing Trends Lead To Popularity Of Online Education

A 2005 research report states that enrollment in postsecondary distance learning courses has increased from 1.98 million in 2003 to 2.35 million in 2004. Why are so many Americans choosing to earn all or part of their college degrees online? Hectic schedules and time crunches may be part of the reason, but changes in social and work trends also contribute to career changes, and prompt many people to turn to online education.

Layoffs, Downsizing, and Displacement: A Springboard for Distance Learning

With rare exception, we no longer graduate college, go to work, and retire from the same company we originally went to work for. Downsizing, rightsizing, voluntary severance packages, and early retirement all add up to the same thing: Displaced workers who want to return to work, whether in the same or a new line of work. Homemakers displaced due to divorce must often join the workforce, and need to learn or update career skills. In an effort to recover, and sometimes restructure their professional lives, greater numbers of people are turning to distance education.

Quality Education Programs Available Online

If you want to take online college courses, but are concerned about the quality of distance education as compared to traditional classroom instruction, don't worry. A 2005 survey found that 63% of academic institutions offering traditional undergraduate degrees also offer distance learning. In addition 65% of institutions report using primarily core faculty to teach online compared with 62% of core faculty assigned to teach classroom courses. If you want to enhance your t career potential, or train for an entirely new profession, online education programs offer everything from individual courses to graduate degree and certification programs. Make sure the online education program you choose is properly accredited and offers academic and technical support, and then get started on your first online college course.

Karen Lawson is a freelance writer whose professional interests include postsecondary education and academic ethics. She earned her BA and MA degrees in English from the University of Nevada, Reno. Karen is a writer for http://www.onlinedegrees.com.Clarisse Blog7669
Bernadette Blog75010

A Guide to Buying a Property in Estonia


On first blush, many investors who are interested in putting money in foreign real estate might flip past Estonia without giving it any thought. Indeed, historically Estonia has not been a country in which foreign nationals have been active in the real estate market. In point of fact, for a significant portion of the history of Estonia, foreign ownership of real estate was prohibited for tightly and highly regulated.

Of course, one of the primary reasons that foreign investors have not been active in the Estonian real estate market historically is the fact that through much of its history, Estonia has been occupied or controlled by other nations.

Over the course of the past decade, as Estonia has gained its independence, the government has worked to liberalize the laws governing the ownership and sales of real estate in that country. This has included opening the door wider to more foreign investment in real estate in Estonia.

While there has not been a rush of foreign nationals buying real estate in Estonia as of this point in time, there is a steady stream of these people buying real estate in different locations in Estonia. Industry analysts believe that the number of people who will invest in Estonian real estate should continue to increase at a steady, but not flooding, pace.

Investment Real Estate

As referenced previously, historically Estonia has not been a country that attracted a great deal of foreign investment in real estate. This is starting to change at this point in time. Thanks to a relaxation of the laws governing foreign investment in real estate, some foreign nationals are taking another look at investing in real estate in Estonia.

In this regard, people who have taken the step of investing in real estate in Estonia are doing so on the gambit that property values in that country will increase as the country becomes more active on the world economic stage. Most analysts believe that this is, in fact, a safe bet.

Primarily, foreign nationals are investing in commercial and residential properties at about an even pace. In many instances, foreign nationals are buying real estate in Estonia and then working to develop it for either commercial or residential purposes. In some areas in the country, foreign nationals have been leading the way in real estate related development projects, particular citizens of European nations.

At the present time, there are no significant restrictions regarding foreign investment in real estate. Again, the government of Estonia has been dedicated to streamlining and liberalizing the real estate sales process -- including for foreign nationals.

Residential Real Estate - Single Family Dwellings

The state of the single family, residential real estate market in Estonia varies significantly depending on what part of the country is being considered. For example, in the larger cities in the country, a more concerted effort is being made to develop new residential properties in single family style. In addition, a more concerted effort is being made to rehab and renovate older single family residential properties in Estonia to bring these properties into the 21st century.

In some instances, older residences that were once designed for single families are now being retrofitted to be used as multiple apartment units. Indeed, many of the newly available apartment units in many of the major urban centers in Estonia are in fact rehabilitated residences that once upon a time housed single families.

In the Estonian countryside, there are some stunning and elegant villas and estates that can be purchased for a moderate price. More often than not, these properties do require some renovation work to bring them into livable condition. Some foreign nationals are becoming involved in rehabbing these properties for resale to others.

Residential Real Estate - Apartments

Apartments have attracted the most significant number of foreign nationals to the real estate market at this point in time. Foreign nationals seem to buying apartments in Estonia for two primary reasons.

First, there is a growing number of foreign nationals who are coming to Estonia to take part in the economic development that is beginning to occur in that country. Consequently, these foreign nationals need and require affordable housing while they are in country. By and large, these foreign nationals have found purchasing an apartment for their time in Estonia to be a solid course to take,

Second, some foreign nationals have taken to purchasing apartments for leasing to other individuals, including other foreign nationals. This includes newly developed apartments as well as older buildings and structures that foreign nationals are purchasing and remodeling for usage as updated apartments. These foreign nationals appear to be turning a decent profit by purchasing and investing in these types of apartments. In addition, more foreign nationals are becoming involved in this types of investment as we move further into the 21st century.

Vacation Real Estate

The vacation real estate market in Estonia is only now on the verge of moving forward. Presently, the tourist trade into Estonia is not one of the most significant industries in that country. However, the government as well as certain elements of the private sector are working to attract more visitors and tourists to Estonia each year.

Some foreign nationals have begun to make modest investments in the vacation real estate market. Some foreign nationals have come together with Estonian nationals to develop apartment complexes and some stand alone residences to be utilized by people traveling to Estonia for holiday purposes.

While most real estate analysts do not anticipate an explosion in the vacation real estate market in the immediate future, these analysts do believe that there will be steady growth in this area which will continue to involve foreign nationals. Indeed, there are some attractive resorts that are now in development in Estonia that should be completed within the coming five years.

Successfully Purchasing Real Estate in Estonia:

Specific Steps to Buying Real Property in Estonia

The process of buying real estate in the Republic of Estonia can seem a bit complicated on the surface. With that said, the government of the Republic of Estonia has worked rather diligently to liberalize and modernize the laws governing the buying and selling of real estate in that country. In this regard, a good deal of effort has been expended making it a bit easier for foreign nationals to buy real estate in Estonia.

There are two primary contracts involved in the sale of real estate in Estonia. Both documents are prepared by a notary. Indeed, in Estonia it is mandatory that a notary be involved in the real estate sales process, that a notary prepare these primary documents. (As an aside, in some instances the notary does not need to prepare these documents his or her self. But, if someone else drafts these documents, the notary is legally required to review them in detail to make sure that they meet the requirements of Estonian law and reflect exactly the agreement that has been made between the parties.)

The initial agreement in the Estonian real estate sales process is the sales-purchase agreement. This agreement is prepared by the notary and is executed by the buyer and the seller once the seller makes an offer on the property that is for sale. Generally speaking, once the oral offer is made by the buyer to the seller, the sales-purchase agreement can be prepared and executed with a period of ten to thirty days (depending on what needs to be included in the agreement itself).

During the period of time between the execution of the sales-purchase agreement and the final agreement in the sales process, the buyer obtains financing and the seller makes certain that the property physically and legally is in a position to be conveyed and transferred to the buyer. In addition, during this interim period, the buyer must pay to the government what is known as a state fee -- which is in the amount of 0.4% of the value of the real estate being sold and purchased.

The final agreement in the real estate sales process in Estonia is entitled the transfer of ownership in real estate agreement or document. When this document is duly executed by the parties, an application is made to the Land Register Office to transfer the ownership of the real estate from the seller to the buyer. In addition, following the filing of this application, a public notice of the change in ownership of the real estate is published in the Official State Gazette, the official publication in Estonia that publishes legal notices of this nature.

In summary, the process of buying real estate in Estonia does include a number of hurdles that seem confusing and complicated on the surface. But, as has been noted, the laws have been modernized and liberalized in recent years. Chances are quite good that the government of Estonia will continue to work to make the real estate laws in that country a bit more user friendly and less cumbersome in the future.

Les Calvert - an authority on overseas property and the Director of http://www.property-abroad.com/estonia has written thousands of articles on Estonia and other popular countries reagrding purchasing overseas property.Fulbert Blog19555
Charlotte Blog23081

The 10 Most Rampant Computer Viruses

Every day new computer viruses are created to annoy us and to wreak havoc on our computer systems. Below are ten viruses currently cited as being the most prevalent in terms of being seen the most or in their ability to potentially cause damage. New viruses are created daily. This is by no means an all inclusive list. The best thing you can do is to remain vigilant, keep your anti-virus software updated, and stay aware of the current computer virus threats.

Virus: Trojan.Lodear
A Trojan horse that attempts to download remote files. It will inject a .dll file into the EXPLORER.EXE process causing system instability.

Virus: W32.Beagle.CO@mm
A mass-mailing worm that lowers security settings. It can delete security-related registry sub keys and may block access to security-related websites.

Virus: Backdoor.Zagaban
A Trojan horse that allows the compromised computer to be used as a covert proxy and which may degrade network performance.

Virus: W32/Netsky-P
A mass-mailing worm which spreads by emailing itself to addresses produced from files on the local drives.

Virus: W32/Mytob-GH
A mass-mailing worm and IRC backdoor Trojan for the Windows platform. Messages sent by this worm will have the subject chosen randomly from a list including titles such as: Notice of account limitation, Email Account Suspension, Security measures, Members Support, Important Notification.

Virus: W32/Mytob-EX
A mass-mailing worm and IRC backdoor Trojan similar in nature to W32-Mytob-GH. W32/Mytob-EX runs continuously in the background, providing a backdoor server which allows a remote intruder to gain access and control over the computer via IRC channels. This virus spreads by sending itself to email attachments harvested from your email addresses.

Virus: W32/Mytob-AS, Mytob-BE, Mytob-C, and Mytob-ER
This family of worm variations possesses similar characteristics in terms of what they can do. They are mass-mailing worms with backdoor functionality that can be controlled through the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) network. Additionally, they can spread through email and through various operating system vulnerabilities such as the LSASS (MS04-011).

Virus: Zafi-D
A mass mailing worm and a peer-to-peer worm which copies itself to the Windows system folder with the filename Norton Update.exe. It can then create a number of files in the Windows system folder with filenames consisting of 8 random characters and a DLL extension. W32/Zafi-D copies itself to folders with names containing share, upload, or music as ICQ 2005a new!.exe or winamp 5.7 new!.exe. W32/Zafi-D will also display a fake error message box with the caption "CRC: 04F6Bh" and the text "Error in packed file!".

Virus: W32/Netsky-D
A mass-mailing worm with IRC backdoor functionality which can also infect computers vulnerable to the LSASS (MS04-011) exploit.

Virus: W32/Zafi-B
A peer-to-peer (P2P) and email worm that will copy itself to the Windows system folder as a randomly named EXE file. This worm will test for the presence of an internet connection by attempting to connect to http://www.google.com or http://www.microsoft.com. A bilingual, worm with an attached Hungarian political text message box which translates to We demand that the government accommodates the homeless, tightens up the penal code and VOTES FOR THE DEATH PENALTY to cut down the increasing crime. Jun. 2004, Pcs (SNAF Team)

Anne Wolski has worked in the health and welfare industry for more than 30 years. She is the owner of http://www.mummansun.com, a discount retail outlet, and a co-director of http://www.betterhealthshoppe.com which is an information portal with many interesting medical articles. She is also an associate of http://www.timzbiz.com which features many articles on internet marketing and resources.Fiacre Blog21292
Isis Blog80372

Monday, February 4, 2008

.INFO Domain Name


The .INFO domain was originally introduced to be an unrestricted domain, like .COM. The .INFO domain Registry attempted to protect Trademark owners during its initial roll-out by having a "Sunrise Period" whereby those owning a trademark or service mark which had been registered on or before October 2, 2000, in any national trademark office, could pre-apply for the identical textual or word element of the mark as a domain name. Applications were randomly selected for registration, e.g. if two companies with the same name applied, only one would be chosen. Sunrise registrations could be subsequently challenged on narrow grounds. Otherwise, the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) would apply.

Challenges to Sunrise registrations could be based on the following grounds:

(1) the registrant was the owner of a current trademark or service mark registration;

(2) the trademark or service mark registration did not have national effect. For example, in the United States it is possible to obtain a state trademark or service mark registration in any one of the United States of America, which registrations have only statewide effect, not national effect;

(3) the second-level domain name is not identical to the trademark or service mark registration; or

(4) the trademark or service mark registration did not issue on or before October 2, 2001.

If the challenger was successful in the challenge, it would then have the opportunity to register the domain name, or the domain name would remain available for registration. WIPO was the exclusive Dispute Resolution Provider during the Sunrise challenge period. After the sunrise challenge period, all disputes were to be governed by the ICANN UDRP.

The law Offices of Michael D. Stewart can assist you in these and a variety of other issues. You may contact us at Michael D. Stewart, Esq. * Law Offices of Michael D. Stewart * 335 S. Biscayne Blvd., #UPH00 * Miami, Florida 33131 * midstewart@gmail.com * michaelstewartlaw.com * 1-305-394-8546 Telephone * 1-866-438-6574 Toll-free * 1-866-380-8986 Facsimile

© Copyright 2006-2007 Michael D. Stewart

Michael D. Stewart, Esq.Emma Blog49463
Harmonie Blog51476

How to Get Free Adwords Credit, and 9 Other Tips You Were Never Told!

Someone in a forum asked me the other day for some quick tips on Google Adwords. I have been quite successful with Adwords, and so my post got longer and longer as I thought of things, and each one seemed more important than the last-It occurred to at that point that this would make a pretty useful article, as its something lots of people participate in, and I dont feel that many people get as much out of it as they should do! I think its a pity because in the work at home and home business arenas, some decent Adwords skills can make a huge amount of difference to your online money making! With that in mind, here are my 10 Adwords Tips You Were Never Told!

10- Trust your own conversion rates-Nobody elses. This relates particularly well to those of you that are affiliate marketers. When you are considering what items to promote, only use other peoples conversion figures if they can physically prove them to you. I once agreed to sign on as an affiliate for a contact I had made through eBay-He seemed very professional, I liked his site and his product, and he assured me that the site converted around 5% of visitors into sales. I liked the sound of that, as I already had a few low priced keywords in mind that would bring in some good traffic. So I signed up. One month later, I had directed over a thousand clicks to his site, and there had not been a single sale. I got it verified by Clickbank too, so I know it was pretty accurate. Needless to say, our partnership ground to a halt.

9-Keep an eye on the budget-especially until the campaign takes off and becomes profitable. This seems really obvious, but those clicks really do add up fast. Its really easy to let them get out of hand as we find ourselves pushing it up that extra couple of bucks here and there in the hope of picking up stray clicks at the end of the day. Before we know it, our 4 or 5 dollars a day is 12 or 13, and by the end of the month we owe Google a grand. Thats great if you are making good money from all those clicks, but from reading the forums I gather that this mostly happens to people that are just starting out and struggling to get into profit.

8-Dont listen to Google. Let them show you how to use the site and get your account set up, but for advice on actual campaigns and ads, look elsewhere. The reason? Google are a business. Its in their interest for you to pay more for your clicks, and to raise your budget accordingly. There are plenty of free resources on the net for Adwords, like this article for example, so search around for things like this and any free ebooks you can find on the subject. If you want advice, get it from people that arent going to be profiting directly from your mistakes.

7-Quantity and quality-Spend time researching your keywords. The more time you spend, the less money you spend, and your click through rate will likely be better too. Lots of Adwords campaigns are run by people sitting behind little desks in big offices, beavering away for a tiny salary and a company car. Campaigns are literally a job for these people, and the success or cost of the campaign is of no relevance because it all comes straight from the company funds. People like this are the reason that you can bid $25 on the words Credit Card on some PPC schemes and still not get top placing. People like this are also the reason people like you and I can find thousands of cheap, closer matching keywords just by putting the time in. These guys run campaigns just by throwing money at them, and we can easily outperform them just by applying ourselves a little with the keyword research.

6-Match Test-Adwords lets you run multiple ads from the same keyword group simultaneously. This is a great tool if you put it to use properly. How? Simply by making each ad slightly different, and seeing which one pulls more clicks. Once you can see which one is more successful, tinker around with the wording on the less popular ad until it improves performance and pulls more clicks than the one that was initially leading. Do this constantly and before you know it you will have an ad which literally rips clicks off the page!

5-Have patience-When you make changes give them time to manifest themselves in your results. Only when you can see what effect a change has had should you make any more. If you dont do things gradually like this you can quite easily mess a campaign up in a fashion that will take two or three days to get back on track.

4-Cheat-I dont know if its ethical to say this, but Im going to do it anyway- When you are starting an Adwords account, go to eBay first and buy some free Adwords credit. You can buy $30 of credit to an Adwords account for pennies from certain eBay sellers. That certainly makes your first few campaigns a little less stressful. Not ethical I know, but Im sure Google will get plenty of money from you once you get the hang of the system. Heres hoping they dont sue me lol.

3-Dont forget about other PPC schemes- You wont get the traffic you would from Google, but you will get much cheaper high quality keywords, so it balances out really. I prefer Google myself because your writing skill plays as big a part as your wallet-your ad will appear closer to the top of the screen if it is popular with the customers. That means if your ad is effective and gets more clicks than the other bidders, you will be able to pay less than the other guys that have bid on that word.

2-Make Your Ads Specific- You can weed out a lot of non-qualified browsers by stating important facts in the ad copy- people that would have cost you money from the click and not bought anyway. For example an ad which simply states House for Sale would get clicks from all kinds of people looking for houses, but if it were to say Two Bedroom House for sale you would be naturally cutting out the customers which were looking for four bedroom houses, apartments etc, as they can see straight away that you do not have what they are seeking. This reduction is good because it would help keep our costs low due to unnecessary clicks.

1- Be Relentless- Its easy to think you have made it in Adwords, and equally easy to become really disillusioned when you do not see results straight away. Just keep the faith- Its science, not art, and as such can be learned. Stick with it and you will soon see profit, and once you are in profit it is just a case of maintaining that balance while you raise the budgets and increase your exposures!

David Raybould has been an internet marketer for just over a year and in July this year was able to quit his day job through online earnings. He is eager to help others buck the trend of the dreaded day job and you can find useful info and resources at his site http://www.no-more9to5.comJean Pierre Blog1880
Jean Claude Blog48426

You Can't Sell Consulting Services Over The Web, Or Can You?

In the professional services industry, if there's one thing that creates inertia to investment in online marketing, it's the belief that you can't sell consulting services over the web. There's an element of truth in this, but a whole lot wrong with it. So read on if you want to look at this from an entirely different angle that could transform your approach to sales pipeline building.

Of course it's true that people won't get their credit cards out to buy high priced intangible products that normally have long sales gestation periods and require expert conversations before a deal takes place. However don't let this fool you into ignoring the stages of the sales and marketing process where the web can make massive contributions, it can shrink sales cycles and automate lead generation by taking people out of the process. What it can do for you is bring more prospects to the table, win their trust and get them deeper into your sales funnel without expensive people ever having met them!

Once you've moved to this way of thinking, you'll have prospects knocking on your door rather than you on theirs, your sales pipeline will be a lot healthier, your expensive people will be better utilized and your cost of client acquisition will be much lower than it is today.

If you are going to move to this mindset you need to work on three key things:

1. Talk in the needs' language of your target audience.

2. Provide useful information that educates them and earns their trust.

3. Make your website the hub for all marketing campaigns.

Here's how:

1. Talk in the needs' language of your target audience.

The buying language of consulting consumers is often very different to the selling language used by consultants on their websites. This results in a misalignment between the buyer and the seller. We all know that consultants like to talk about themselves more than they do about their clients! When your clients go online to do their research, you want to be the one that sings their song and presses their buttons. So if you do your homework and identify with their needs, wants and issues, rather than your products, services and company, then you'll be the one to grab their attention and bring them one step closer.

2. Provide useful information that educates them and earns their trust.

Most of the time consumers of professional services do a lot of online research to develop their issue or thinking before they decide on their provider. Would you like to help them do their research? You bet! These people will be grateful to you for good quality information, help and advice. Consulting is a relationship business, so when they're ready to buy, you'll be right up there in their mind as someone they trust to provide the expertise they need. So if you make it easy for them by providing valuable and useful information in the form of white papers, advisory articles, presentations, research reports, podcasts etc. then you'll be the one they trust and they won't be reserved in picking up the phone to you.

3. Make your website the hub for all marketing campaigns.

Most consulting firms who have a marketing plan treat their website like a separate strand of activity, along with direct mail, telemarketing, event speaking, sponsorship, advertising etc. The problem with much of this is the difficulty in measuring results. If you make your website the central hub for all marketing activities, then you can measure the return on investment from all of your campaigns. Make sure you've got a good visitor tracking tool installed (e.g. Opentracker), build special landing pages for each campaign, automate the delivery of your information products and capture contact information for use in on-going marketing communications. If you do these things you'll be well on your way to lights out lead generation'!

So is it stupid to think you can sell professional services and consulting over the web?

Well it's doable for advisory products at a sub $1000 price point, but generally speaking you cannot close a complex deal online. But you can use the web to get your first meeting with a prospect, and if you use this as your main objective then you'll soon be pushing leads into your sales pipeline with much less effort and cost.

Tony Rice is a partner at Equiteq LLP, experts in M&A for the consulting industry. He has spent his career marketing to blue chip companies and was CEO of an award winning internet marketing project at BT plc. Tony often helps consulting clients to develop effective marketing plans for growth prior to the sale of their firm. http://www.equiteq.co.ukEau Blog56328
Lilias Blog371

Investment on Returns

So there I stood, feeling incredibly stupid. Having waited in line for a few minutes to return a paperback copy of Harry Potter, which I realized I already owned once I brought it home, I stood face-to-face with the cashier. I looked over his shoulder and ready Barnes and Nobles, I looked down at the imprint on my plastic bag Waldenbooks. I paused , turned beet red and said Oops, I am obviously in the wrong place. I started to turn and leave when he gently stopped me with the words If we carry that book we would be happy to refund it for you. Really??? I asked. Sure no problem let me have a look. He determined that he already had 24 copies in stock and was more than happy to take one more. He handed me a credit card looking store credit, had me sign a receipt and that was that.

But that was not the end of the story. I was so blown away and so grateful I decided to go buy a CD. Now the CD was about twice what my refund was so I handed the card and the money and I took my CD and left

But that was still not the end of the story. As soon as I got out of the store I called my brother and 5 of my friends to tell them about this amazing customer service. And now of course I am telling you, too.

So lets look at this story and see what actally occurred. Barnes and Nobles made an Investment on my Return. What exactly was the cost of this investment? Perhaps there was a cost for training the employee that taught him to act in this kind and generous way. But other than that it cost them nothing. Okay maybe there was some cost for restocking. They will surely sell that other copy. But then we need to reverse this formula and see what the Return on Investment was.

Here is where the real power of this theory is seen. They not only were repaid their initial outlay of $7.99, they received an additional $7.99 that I most surely would not have spent otherwise. They received free word of mouth advertising (which is far more powerful and effective than traditional advertising) and they created a loyal, raving fan customer.

Returns are often emotionally charged events. Think about it. People return things that dont fit, that they dont like , that they cant afford , wasnt what they expected, that are of inferior quality, that they dont need or they dont want

For a lot of your customers returns are either embarrassing, filled with disappointment or frustration or at the very least a major inconvenience.

How you handle this touchy situation will impact on your customers decision to continue doing business with you.

There are many stories going around about how Nordstrom would take anything in a return (including a car engine). Of course you dont have to go to that extreme to make your return policy fair, easy and effective.

What does it take to create a return atmosphere that will keep your customers coming back?

1. Create

Management needs to create a policy that is fair, easy and effective. Put yourself in your customers shoes and make a decision that benefits them.

2. Train

Once you have your policy make sure that your employees understand what the policy is and how to implement it.

3. Empower

This may be the most essential element of the process. Empower your employee to do the right thing to err in favor of the customer. Then publicly stand behind that employee even if his or her decision goes beyond your policy. Take them aside privately and discuss and modify.

4. Educate

Your customers need to know your policy inside out. This is especially true if your business has strict regulations. If they need to have a receipt to return the product then it is best to say to the customer as they are checking our Remember if you need to return this we require the receipt. Would you like it in the bag or would you like to have it? Granted this will not guarantee that the customers will remember but it does help. Also have the return policy displayed at the check out line and on the receipt.

5. Bend within Reason

Rules are important, but customers are more important. Even with a strict return policy you need to be customer focused. Do what you can to help that customer with their need. Remember the Investment of Return.

Truly looking out for your customers best interest is actually in your best interest. Take a long hard look at your policy. Is it serving you and your customers? If not change it NOW!

Laurie Brown is an international speaker, trainer and consultant who works to help people improve their sales, service and presentation skills. She is the author of The Teleprompter Manual, for Executives, Politicians, Broadcasters and Speakers. Laurie can be contacted through http://www.thedifference.net, or 1-877.999.3433, or at lauriebrown@thedifference.netCharlotte Blog23081
Adeline Blog79756

Making your Website look Like a Butterfly

A well designed web-site is like a butterfly , it is beautiful and you have an irresistible urge to watch it, check it out see if you can fathom its meaning.. That is your goal in building a website.

You have to come as close as you can to creating that feeling when potential customers look at your first page , you want, you need to have them take a good hard look at your site.

So Sarah , How do I do that ? Well I am going to go over the basic but I also Have free resource you can just pop an email to me with he subject title Web Mastery and will Send you a free E-book that goes into a fair amount of detail on how and what you need to accomplish but the basics are here.

Before you get started you have several tasks and items to procure or obtain, you will need a

Domain name
Hosting company
Either a WYSIWYG editor
or An all in one package such as bravenet.com
A course on HTML
Decide if you are going to build your site your self

Once you have decided on these very basic first issues you then have to decide on how your ste4 will be built as a minin site one or two pages , A content site like this one about ten pages or a full fledged affiliate site with multiple tens of pages.

Then what is your niche? what appeals to your customer base - this is when you need to do lots and lots of research to get it clear in your mind as to what will best suit your market niche.

On Items 1-6 I would recommended that you bite the bullet and really learn how to build a website - that means you buy a product like FrontPage or XsitePro and you use the WYSIWIG editior (what you see is waht you get) If you are going to be in this business then be in it and take the time and invest the energy to learn at the very least how to build a site

IF you select either package you do not need any sort of html editor, it is built in to the e package as far as cost goes XsitePro is approx 249.00 I purchased my copy of front page form surplussoftware.com for 89.00 I have seen it as low as 59.00

I purchased a Book from Barnes and Nobel that came with a great cd tutorial for 24.95 so I could have been building my site for approx 85.00 not bad.

Now you need to buy a domain name and I strongly suggest you buy it from or through your hosting company- if not you will be stuck for 60 days before you can transfer the name to another host company , A really good hosting company is hosting revolution - Their 20..00 per year plan is more than adequate to get you u and to run your first several sites.

The first thing to remember is that your website is a reflection of who you are and your target market. Before you can begin the process of building a website you will need to get a registered domain name and a host company to put your site on the internet. You then have to decide how you will accomplish the sometimes arduous task of constructing the site.

Something you should be aware of because I was not when I started this process. I purchased domain names from one provider who will call Company A, (I shopped for low price) I repeated the process of looking for a low priced alternative for hosting. We will call them company B.

I then tried to transfer my new domain names from company A to company B. Well they tried for several days to accomplish the transfer and they were repeatedly told the domains were locked by myself and I spent several very frustrating days working with Company A to transfer the domains. Then I found out that when you first buy or renew a domain name with a specific registrar the domain has to stay with them for sixty days.

If someone had been able to inform me of that before I shopped for the best price and thinking just how intelligent I was then I would have saved myself over two weeks of working on nothing but the transfer of these names.

That's how I did it the first time My total investment was less than 150.00 and I built my first site with FrontPage and the tutorial.

Sarah Thompson is highly experienced at finding no to low cost options for boosting sales and starting an online business. You Can get more Info at her site http://www.sarahat.com.Lucilia Blog21896
Julia Blog87572

Online Coupons And Deals: How To Find Them

Everyones in the game these days, even Google announced in August that they would be offering online coupons. If anyone has used a search engine to look for coupons or discounts on products they know how daunting a practice it can be. With monthly search queries in the millions, coupons and discounts (and variations on these terms) might some day exceed Paris Hilton in the search rankings. When searching coupons or a similar keyword on Google, Yahoo or any other search engines you quickly discover hundreds of results but perhaps not exactly what youre looking for.

Typically your results fall into these categories of websites: incentive reward programs, printable national brand coupons, local shopping websites, directories/portals and online discount aggregators.

Incentive Reward Programs These sites leverage their affiliate commissions as incentives to consumers. For example if a consumer visits their website they are presented with a 15% discount offer from a leading computer manufacturer, if the consumer clicks on the link and purchases the computer the website is paid a commission of which a portion is credited to the consumer. Many times this is disguised as a member rewards program or points club.

Printable National Brand Coupons These websites compile national brand coupons and offer instant print capabilities once you download their proprietary print software. Most of these websites force the user to register in the process of downloading the print software. The leaders in this category have evolved from traditional direct mailers or large newspaper conglomerates that can source a pool of coupons from national brands found in your Sunday paper.

Local Shopping Websites These websites tend to be very geographic specific in their content and are usually smaller in overall user visits though they usually do a great job of promoting local businesses such as pizza restaurants and specialty shops. Many times local radio and TV station websites work this way adding additional exposure for their advertisers.

Directories/Portals Yes the phone companies are in the game. As a matter of fact the phone companies are probably one of the best suited for this market since the greatest challenge is sourcing the relevant content (coupons). Lucky for them they already have a national advertising sales network that they use to sell advertising in their phone books.

Local & National Savings Aggregators These are the sites that pull all of the above content together under one website with the hopes of making online discount searching an easier and more successful endeavor.

As more and more advertisers embrace the Internet expect to see the extinction of coupons and discount ads as you know them. Perhaps the piles of Yellow Pages on the curb are a telling sign.

Nigel Milne is the web master and publisher of http://www.MyTownOffers.com a consumer website that provides a large selection of online coupons and deals from local and national merchants and product manufacturers.Aristide Blog5653
Damien Blog89797

Top United States Rose Gardens

Top rose gardens to visit in the United States
Take a day trip to a rose garden

Roses have always been valued for their stunning beauty and intoxicating scent. They also have a long history of symbolism and meaning and are ancient symbols of beauty and love. In fact the rose was sacred to several goddesses such as Aphrodite and is commonly used as a symbol for the Virgin Mary. The rose also is the national flower for both England and the United States.

Many of the below listed rose gardens are only a day trip away and the majority of them are public rose gardens which are free to the public. So, take time to stop and smell the roses and visit one of these beautiful rose gardens located around the world.

International Rose Test Garden Washington Park
Portland, Oregon

Portland is known as the "Rose City" and has several public rose gardens; however, the International Rose Test Garden in Portland is the most well-known. It was founded in 1917 and is the oldest official, continuously operated public rose test garden in the United States.

Rose Garden in Woodland Park Zoo
Seattle, Washington

The Woodland Park Zoo Rose Garden was planted originally to provide a free, public display of roses. Currently, the garden houses 280 rose varieties.

Lyndale Park Rose Garden
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Located in Minneapolis, the Lyndale Park Rose Garden is the second oldest public rose garden in the U.S. With over 3,000 roses of 250 varieties, the layout of the garden has not been changed since it was planted by Theodore Wirth in 1908.

McKinley Park Rose Garden
Sacramento, California

A popular setting for weddings and day trips, this Sacramento Rose Garden is home to over 1,200 roses of all different varieties. The garden is free to the public during daylight hours.

The Centennial Rose Garden, Schmidt Mansion
Tumwater, Washington

Planted on the grounds of the Schmidt Mansion, the Centennial Rose Garden is maintained by the Olympia Rose Society for the enjoyment of the public. The garden was designed to display a plethora of rose varieties and within historical context. The garden documents the development of roses from ancient times to present day.

Elizabeth Park Rose Garden
Hartford, Connecticut

The Elizabeth Park Rose Garden is the oldest municipally operated rose garden in the country. With over 800 rose varieties which amounts to 15,000 plants total, this rose garden packs a lot in on two and a half acres.

Mesa Community College Rose Garden
Mesa, Arizona

This Mesa, Arizona rose garden is a unique and important part of the city's community. The garden serves as an iatrical part of education, allowing students from kindergarten through high school and community college and universities use the gardens as botanical laboratories and study areas.

Chicago Botanic Gardens
Glencoe, Illinios - north of Chicago, Illinois

The Chicago Botanic Gardens is home to 26 distinct gardens, one of them being a beautiful rose garden that houses 5,000 colorful rose bushes.

The John E. Voight Trial Garden
Hales Corners, Wisconsin

Part of the Boerner Botanical Gardens, the Voight Trial Garden was opened in 1939 and was traditionally designed with gravel walks around the garden and grass walks through the rose beds. The garden also follows the traditional European design with two circular pools and a rectangular pool filled with water lilies and other plant life on the grounds.

Tyler Rose Garden
Tyler, Texas

As part of a 14 acre park, the Tyler Municipal Rose Garden is the nations largest rose garden and admission to the park is free seven days a week from dawn to dusk. This breathtaking rose garden is also host to the annual Texas Rose Festival held in mid-October.

Jillian Scheeler makes it easy to provide a list of top rose gardens in united states. visit the top ten rose gardens of United States. To recieve free part mini-course visit the http://www.travelpost.com
Jillian Scheeler is a spontaneous road-tripper and avid writer working on assignment for http://TravelPost.com - The Premier Source for Unbiased Hotel Reviews and Ratings. This article can be reprinted freely as long as all links remain active.Gaston Blog94797
Baudouin Blog80713

Grout Cleaning Made Easy

Have you ever tried to clean tile and grout yourself? If you have, you know how time consuming and labor intensive it can be! If it is within your budget, I would seriously consider letting a trained professional handle this chore for you. However, if you simply can't afford the .50 sq. ft. that most companies charge, there is a way to effectively clean your own tile and grout without breaking the bank.

Your main focus should be on choosing quality products to make your job as easy as possible. Having these materials will literally save your hours of time and labor. Hopefully, you already have some of these items tucked away in your garage somewhere just waiting to be found. Of course, anything that you don't have can be purchased at your local Home Depot store.

Sulfamic Acid
Citrus Degreaser
Chemical Pump Up Sprayer
Grout Cleaning Brush w/pole
Mop and Bucket
Masking Tape
Shop Vac w/attachments
Brass Bristle Toothbrush
Latex Rubber Gloves
White Vinegar
Disposable Shop Towels

Before cleaning, you should measure the sq. ft. of the floor you are cleaning as you will need this information so you buy enough sulfamic acid to clean with. Cover any stainless steel appliances with several rows of masking tape or plastic wrap to keep the acid from etching the stainless and ruining the cosmetic appearance of your appliances. Dust mop and sweep your tile to remove large debris and dust from the floor. Mix your mop bucket with 4 oz. of white vinegar for each gallon of water used. Make sure your mop head is brand new, so you won't smear any dirty water on your clean floor. You will use your mop to help clean up the acid after scrubbing the grout.

Mix your sulfamic acid with water in your pump up sprayer according to directions, wearing rubber gloves. You should have at least a 2 gallon sprayer as this will cover around 700 to 1000 sq. ft. of tile when mixed 50/50, We recommend the powdered crystal acid from Home Depot. I have personally used this on many of my jobs when my chemical supply company was out of my regular brand. You can also use the brand I currently clean with called StoneTech Restore. Either way, you want a 50/50 mix ratio, half water and half acid as this is most effective.

Set your pump sprayer nozzle until it becomes more of a mist than a stream. Do not pump up with too much pressure, it will splatter on everything if you do. Just enough to make a mist when you squeeze the trigger. Spray about 50 sq. ft. completely covering all the tile and grout lines. Do not spray a larger area than this when cleaning, the floor must stay wet or you will have to repeat the process if it dries before you are finished cleaning.

Using a grout cleaning brush w/handle, start at one side of the tile cleaning all the vertical grout lines with a back and forth cleaning motion, using short strokes, while slowly walking forward. Then clean all the horizontal grout lines using the same method. Cleaning the grout lines this way is less confusing and will prevent you from missing some of the area. You may need to scrub dirty areas longer or use a citrus degreaser in a spray bottle using a brass bristle toothbrush to help remove stubborn areas that aren't coming clean right away. Make sure your brush is on a handle to keep you off your hands and knees.

After the area is clean, use your shop vac to remove the dirt and acid from the floor before it dries. Make sure you vacuum very well and don't leave any dirty residue behind. Once you have cleaned up with your shop vac, you are ready to mop with your vinegar and water solution. This rinses off any of the remaining acid and dirt from the tile. Placing a fan on the floor after you have finished will help the floor dry faster. You may not notice a huge difference in the grout lines until they have fully dried, which takes a few hours sometimes because of how porous the grout is. You are now ready to repeat the process on your next 50 sq. ft. of tile and grout.

Bobby Walker is a 14 year cleaning industry veteran who owns and operates Carpet Cleaning of Dallas, a carpet, tile and upholstery restoration company. He is also a webmaster for 4 websites, including 2 do it yourself sites. His passion for helping people has been his motivating factor for his love of the service industry.Imperial Blog46479
Alban Blog96055